场景:因为有事情需回到学校搞毕设,同事在公司说接口代码有问题,需要修改;我用笔记本把代码同步到笔记本,然后做了一些修改、提交。修改完成。第二天我来到公司(公司里用台式机,不是自己的笔记本),忘了先git pull到本地之后,直接在台式机上的代码进行编写,突然想起忘了pull了,然后想用git pull来更新本地代码。结果报错:error: Your local changes to the ...
如果系统中有一些配置文件在服务器上做了配置修改,然后后续开发又新添加一些配置项的时候,在发布这个配置文件的时候,会发生代码冲突:error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge: protected/c...
Staking Enecuum is both easy and profitable, but is that alone enough to justify investing in this project? I don't think so. Before I get into why I am staking Enecuum, I'd like to briefly summari...