免费版: cloudflare dns with a domain of yours parked on it
免费版: BackBlaze B2 for up to 10GB of storage buckets
what we want
a simple and relyable way to take care of yo...
如果系统中有一些配置文件在服务器上做了配置修改,然后后续开发又新添加一些配置项的时候,在发布这个配置文件的时候,会发生代码冲突:error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge: protected/c...
caddy 对于 systemctl 的支持真是垃圾,经常性的启动不成功,所以换成了 crontab + screen 启动,不得不说好用多了。但是每次启动都会提醒WARNING: File descriptor limit 1024 is too low for production servers. At least 8192 is recommended.