解决 caddy 启动时提示 Fix with ulimit -n 8192 的问题
caddy 对于 systemctl 的支持真是垃圾,经常性的启动不成功,所以换成了 crontab + screen 启动,不得不说好用多了。但是每次启动都会提醒
WARNING: File descriptor limit 1024 is too low for production servers. At least 8192 is recommended.
Fix with "ulimit -n 8192"
其实不管也没什么, 但是看着就是不爽。下面告诉你怎么解决。
编辑 /etc/security/limits.conf 文件
在 # End of file 一行上面加入
* soft nofile 16384
* hard nofile 16384
caddy启动时提示:File descriptor limit 1024 is too low for production servers
提示:caddy: WARNING: File descriptor limit 1024 is too low for production servers. At least 8192 is recommended. Fix with "ulimit -n 8192".
解决方法:vi /etc/security/limits.conf
* soft nofile 65535
* hard nofile 65535
* soft nproc 65535
* hard nproc 65535
root soft nofile 65535
root hard nofile 65535
root soft nproc 65535
root hard nproc 65535